Bitcoin now has NFTs, and it looks like they’re here to stay! (Image from Doubloin)

What Are Bitcoin Ordinals?

An example of a Bitcoin Punk ordinal for sale on the Magic Eden marketplace. (Image from Magic Eden)

Ordinal Theory and Inscriptions

Casey Rodarmor is the developer responsible for creating Bitcoin ordinals and “making Bitcoin fun again.” (Image from CoinDesk)

Rarity and Collectibility of Ordinals

Metadata from the Bitcoin Punk shown above, denoting that its sat rarity is “common,” despite retailing for 7+ BTC. (Image from Magic Eden)

The Pros and Cons of Bitcoin Ordinals

Some people do not want Bitcoin to have any new features. (Image from Reddit)

The Future of Ordinals

Will Bitcoin’s future include ordinals, or are they temporary? Nobody knows. (Image from BitDegree)

About The Rare Network